
On Pumpkin Pond

[ vodka, elderberry juice, lime, orange essence, soda, mint ]

[ raw German cow cheese sandwich with sage ]

[ rice, bacon and sorrel soup ]

[ homemade pasta ] we were calling these Orecchiette malfatti in reference to their lumpy crudeness and the sauce to follow.

fresh herbs from the garden for the sauce.
[ basil, fennel fronds, beet greets, tarragon, parsley, mint, sorrel ]

[ orecchiette, ricotta, salt, pepper, fresh herbs, olive oil, lemon zest, chili flakes ]

coconut ice pops [ coconut milk, cream, sugar, salt, toasted coconut ]

Lisa's apricot buttermilk scones

Farm share bacon, omelette [ eggs, sorrel, bread ]

Oatmeal fixings [ nutmeg, cinnamon, dried fruits, candied ginger, honey ... ]

Pulled pork from the piggery share.

Pulled pork sandwiches.

Baby greens and apple salad.

[ pan roasted duck breast, pomegranate molasses, cinnamon ]
[ sweet potatoes, brown sugar, reduced oloroso sherry, brown butter ]
[ wilted baby kale, chilis ]