
2008 Farm share

I thought we'd missed the boat on doing the farm share for this year - we left it so late to apply the shares were all taken up. But through some good luck and probably a cancellation we managed to get a share for this year with Hearty Roots farm in Tivoli NY. The way it works is you pay up for the whole season, and the farmers then deliver a weekly batch of fresh vegetables to a local community garden here in Williamsburg. We're extra lucky here as the garden is across the street from us at the Red Shed community garden, so it's all about as local as it gets.

The season is 22 weeks long. Here's a shot of this weeks bounty, mainly seasonal leafy greens: radishes, lettuce, arugula, spinach, kale, green garlic, chives, bok choy.

And the first dish to be made from it. Arugula salad with green garlic vinaigrette [ minced green garlic, sherry vinegar, olive oil, salt, lemon juice ] and an omlette with green garlic two ways; crispy fried green parts inside an omlette cooked with the softer sauteed white part, and a little parmesan cheese.