
twin fish terrine...

The weather was glorious yesterday and I thought we might go picnicing or for an adventure today, so last night I whipped up the twin fish terrine with thoughts of Swallows & Amazons style escapades inspiring me.
Predictably enough, it's a dreary Dublin day so we've just had the terrine for lunch with a handful of  watercress...
There's even some left over for later xxxxx
(it's so easy, you need 2 types of fish - I used fillets of cod and smoked haddock. Check both for bones. Blitz each fillet seperately with two eggs and 100mls of cream. To the cod mixture, I added some steamed asparagus spears and a good handful of basil leaves. To the smoked haddock, chopped spring onion, diced red pepper and a handful of flat leaf parsley. Line a small loaf tin with cling film or tin foil, allowing it to overhang the sides. Spoon in the cod mixture first. Then add a layer of roasted red peppers, then the smoked haddock mixture. Wrap the overhanging cling film or tin foil to seal.
Place the terrine in a roasting tin, pour hot water in to come halfway up the sides of the loaf tin and stick into a preheated oven 180 C/350 F for forty minutes.
Turn out of the tin and remove the cling film to serve.
Serve warm or cold, but I think cold is better)